The Real Sociedad Geográfica’s speaker is a journal (Boletín de la Real Sociedad Geográfica) that was born in 1876 and has been published continuously (save for the three years of the Spanish Civil War). In its 137 volumes, there are papers by the most relevant geographers, historians and scientists of their times: Canovas del Castillo, Joaquín Costa, Lucas Mallada, Beltrán y Rózpide, Súarez Inclán, Gregorio Marañón, Torroja y Miret, Puyol Antolín, Núñez de las Cuevas, Velarde Fuertes, among many others.

All these personalities often held high offices in the Sociedad. A Boletín that coincided with other journals, such as the Revista de Geografía Colonial y Mercantil, published by the Sociedad de Geografía Comercial.

There are also other 46 books by major authors such as J. Gatell, M. Foronda y Aguilera, R. Torres Campo, A.Blázquez, C. Fernández Duro, J. M. Torroja y Miret, A. Saboya-Aosta, the Prince of Mónaco, J. Gavira, C. Sanz, for instance.

Publishing Board

María Asunción Martín Lou

Joaquín Bosque Maurel

Fernando Arroyo Ilera
Joaquín Bosque Sendra
Rafael Puyol Antolín
Juan José Sanz Donaire
Juan Velarde Fuertes
Manuel Valenzuela Rubio
Antonio Zárate Martín

The Journal's original cover since its creation: Issue no. 1 to 136 (1876-2002)
Cover design since Issue no. 137 - 138 (2003)
Cover design since Issue no. 149 (2013)
Index of journals prior to year 2000

Repertory of publications and tasks of the Real Sociedad Geográfica (1981-2000). Madrid 2009.